Pandemic Self-Control

Welcome to the GCC Elder Special Pandemic blog.

That’s not what it’s called really but it sounds cool.

I would like to speak to you today about self-control.

In Galatians 5:22, 23 we have the familiar list of the fruit of the Spirit.

One of entries on the list is self-control. As a general rule (to which there are always exceptions) babies like to be swaddled. The affect of being tightly wrapped brings a sense of security and peace. The external restraint the blanket or cloth provides helps reinforce the importance of something outside that helps us be where we need to be inside.

In the same way, biblical self-control is not something that occurs naturally inside of us. It’s a fruit of the Spirit, that comes from outside us. It’s put there by God for our good. We don’t have the strength to resist temptation on our own.

We need God’s help...and one of the ways He helps is with the self-control provided by the Holy Spirit. That self-control puts us ahead of the temptation by helping us to make the necessary provisions before we are tempted. For example, during this time when the family’s at home for the entire day, every day... temptation abounds.

Time management and anger management are two  areas that may need attention. Let’s address time management since we can deal with anger management in another blog.

Here are some thoughts.

First, Pace Yourself

Here’s where we even out the extra time we have over a number of areas. Start by increasing your time in the word and in prayer. If you have little ones this still remains a difficult endeavor so be creative.

Then, Pursue Substance

If you add anything to your schedule during this time make sure it’s something sustaining. I can remember a time in Kenya when we went through a phase involving reading western novels. As I think back, they were fun but not sustaining.

We should also...Set Parameters

Increasing your time on the internet may not be the wisest choice for time management. This is one of those things that can happen when you don’t even realize it. Set limits and abide by them.

A bit of self control up front saves a lot of trouble later. Use the internet as a tool not as an incinerator of our time and virtue.

Let’s talk about Familiar Worship

Come Sunday morning, try to keep the routine the same. Get up at the same time. Get dressed the same. If you have little, little ones you can even pretend to get in the car and drive to church. You can even reproduce the arguments that sometimes occur on the way. Maybe leave those out. Have a bit of fun. They’ll get a kick out of it. Make it normal. Those of us on the worship team are trying to make it as familiar as possible.

Finally, in all the above...Stay Flexible

These are not ‘normal’ days we are living in but that’s OK. God does not change. And the call for self-control is even more critical. Let God’s Holy Spirit wrap you up in such a way as you experience the peace and safety only available to God’s little children.