Grace Covenant Church

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Christian, Where Is Your Hope In Times Of Trouble?

Christian, Where Is Your Hope In Times Of Trouble?

We have certainly had a rocky couple of months. Just as things seem to be looking up and we can see light at the end of the tunnel something else comes along to knock us off balance. If it isn't an infectious disease then its mass unemployment and if not unemployment then social unrest. I don't know how you feel, but these things can be quite unsettling to me if I am not careful. So where do we turn in times of trouble?

To Whom Shall We Go (John 6:68-69)

When things got tough and the disciples were put to the test Peter knew where to put his trust. He understood that Jesus was the promised Holy One of God and that apart from Him there was no hope. When we are facing difficult times we must remember our loving savior. The things that we face in this life, while difficult and scary are just temporal, but Jesus Christ has the words of eternal life. Through Him we have access to an eternal life where we’ll be free from sin and pain. We can look at our circumstances with an eternal perspective and rest in Jesus.  

Draw Near To The Throne Of Grace (Heb 4:14-16)

Let us in deed hold fast to our confession for we have a high priest who has passed through the heavens. We do not serve a God disconnected from His creation. No, we serve a savior who faced all of the same temptations that we do yet did not sin. Jesus overcame sin and death so that we don't have to. 

Be Willing To Admit That You Don't Know The Why (Job 42:2-3)

When you are tempted to despair because you don't know why this is all happening remember Job. He faced greater loss than I can possibly imagine and was surrounded by false teaching and hypocrisy. Yet when his trial was coming to an end and God spoke difficult truth into his life, Job was left with the realization that he didn't know why these things had to happen and he didn't need to know. God is ultimately in control of our circumstances and we can trust Him. So let us like Job leave the "why" to God and look to Him for the way forward.

Rejoice In Our Suffering (Rom 5:3-5; Jam 1:2-4)

One of the most important things to keep in mind when facing difficult times is sanctification. God is using all of the trials in our life to shape us into the image of His Son. We can count it all joy because we can look forward with confidence that God will make us better for having gone through difficulty. This trial will end just like every other trial we have faced and we will be just a little bit more like our savior. Beloved, let's face these trials together with a smile on our face knowing that this is not in vain.

Trust In God's Redeeming Work (Rom 8:28-30)

When all else fails set your eyes on one of the most comforting passages in scripture. There is a purpose to every difficult situation that we face and we can face them with confidence knowing that we are in good hands. There is nothing outside of the control of our sovereign God. He has orchestrated these events and all others with perfect precision to work all things for good for His people. All things includes all things...COVID 19, Massive Unemployment, Social Unrest....and all of the rest of it. This hasn't caught God off guard. It is all according to His purpose. Let us rest in His provision.